About Us

Albatros Insurance Administrators, A flight above the rest.

To be the preferred specialist consulting and risk placement partner to brokers.

The partner of choice for product suppliers based on our expertise, care and skill.

To be known for service excellence which is rendered professionally and with integrity at all times.

Who we are
Delivering professional and excellent service since 2005
The company is a registered and approved FSP (Financial Services Provider). Specialists in short term insurance administration and risk placement. The head office is situated in Gauteng, with a National footprint through our branch network located in Cape Town, Durban and Polokwane. Our commitment to active and efficient portfolio management underpins our success and relationships.
Our training staff is there to support you whilst attending class sessions as well as when you are at home completing your assignments. They are just a call, SMS or an e mail away.
Email hendrik@albatossa.co.za for more information.

take flight using our dedicated underwriting team.

Success Factors
Why we are a flight above the rest

We conduct our business ethically and in compliance with all the relevant Statutory requirements.

By offering Brokers a free professional service with rating of risks at a competitive price point.

We achieve these heights by applying analysis, expertise and service excellence in all our dealings with brokers and product suppliers alike.

To maintain

To conduct market research on an ongoing basis and keep abreast of all relevant developments, changes and service delivery improvements

To utilize the services of outside professionals and consultants in any areas deemed necessary

We achieve these heights by applying analysis, expertise and service excellence in all our dealings with brokers and product suppliers alike.

Market research and quality control is conducted on assessors, service providers and product suppliers. Keeping our service standards to a high quality.

We have access to and utilise the services of industry specialists, which include risk surveyors, technical underwriting consultants, engineers and loss adjusters where deemed necessary or required.

We makes use of various administration platforms and systems which allows real-time access to client portfolios.

want to fly with Albatros?
Call now: 011 954 0991
Preferred Product Suppliers